Day 1
B is for Bugs Trace
I put this in her Crayola Dry Erase board
Bb trace- I laminated this and let her use a dry erase marker
Bb butterfly match- had to match by color or B to b.
Bug Counting Practice- We counted the bugs together and then I placed the number on the card. She doesn't recognize her numbers yet, so it's really just to practice counting.
Bb Do-A-Dot page
Bug/Flower sort- she just had to put bugs on one side and flowers on the other.
Bug to Leaf- tracing
I also put this in her Crayola Dry Erase board.
Bb Play-Doh mats
And our craft for today was a 'B' butterfly. I printed off these two B's and let her paint them with her Do-A-Dot markers. I cut them out and then she glued them to construction paper. We glued on pom-poms for the body and added googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennas.
Day 2
B is for Bug magnet page
with pom-pom magnet on her magnet board
Bb lacing card- I just printed a bee, punched holes in it, and tied a string to it.
Bb is for bugs puzzle- I had to help her with this one
Bug Writing Practice- laminated and used a dry erase marker
Bb is for bug coloring page
Size Sort- small, medium, and large
Which is different- I covered up all but one line and let her point out which was different in each group. She had a really hard time with some of these. I'm not sure if I wasn't explaining it in a way that made sense to her or what. We did it a few times and will probably pull it back out again this week to try it again.
Bug cut and paste- I cut out the bugs and she glued them on the grass or in the air. I would ask her where they went (did they crawl on the ground or fly in the sky?) and she'd put them there.
And our craft for today was a footprint bumblebee and ladybug. This was one of my favorite crafts and it turned out really cute. It will be going in her 'Now I know my ABC's' book.
Is some of that from the "Pretty Bugs" preschool pack on Homeschool Creations? I think I have that saved on my computer. lol