Monday, August 22, 2011

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Day 1

Today was our first official day of 'Tot School'! I wanted to start with something that would be exciting but would give her an idea of how things would be going from now on (ie, being on somewhat of a schedule). Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is such a fun book and does a great job of introducing the letters. So naturally, I went with this theme. You can find tons of resources and activities on this book. She did really well and flew through everything. Here's a picture of my little baby on her first day of Tot School...(tear) Here is our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom coconut tree. At the end of each week, after we've learned our letter, we'll get to place it on the coconut tree. I made this one myself, but you can buy one for about $12 at Amazon or at most teacher stores.
To start off the day we read CCBB....

Then I let J look through it by herself....

Then we did the coloring page. I have one of these for each day this week with different letters.

Here's baby E hanging out while we worked on our lesson :)

Then, CCBB Do-A-Dot page.

Earlier, I had explained to her that we would be putting our letters on the tree at the end of each week. So she wanted to put her Do-A-Dot page on the we did :)

Our craft for today- I had her color all these pieces and then I cut them out for her. She's not quite proficient enough with the scissors yet for me to let her try to cut these out on her own.

And then I had her glue them onto a piece of construction paper, making a tree.

Then she painted foam alphabet pieces and stamped them on her paper. I got these foam letters at Walmart for $.88. They're not intended for painting, but hey, they work.

After she finished that page she wanted to keep stamping so I just gave her a blank sheet of construction paper and let her have at it.

She got a little messy....

Here's the finished craft. J got a little happy with the red paint, note the big red blob. But I thought it turned out pretty good. J was very proud of herself.
More CCBB projects to come tomorrow....


  1. I love chicka chicka boom boom! Looks like y'all had a great first day! woo!

  2. VERY cute! My kids love that book! We're going to be doing an Eric Carle themed unit this coming year that I'm excited about!

  3. Holly you're awesome. Jordyn amd Elijah are lucky children. Love you all! Mary Johnson

  4. I love boom boom
