Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The very first post!

I've been sitting here forever trying to figure out the best way to start out my very first post. And I have nothing...so I'll just jump right into it. Through this blog, I intend to share lessons, ideas, crafts, and projects (plus much more unrelated things I'm sure) that I will be doing with my 'tot schooler'. Tot schooler because she's not exactly a 'preschooler' yet ;) I will be using lessons and ideas from several different places that all work together in a way that is best for us. Please feel free to use anything you see on my page, and make it work for you and your child. As that is what I've done myself. I'm going to go ahead and warn you that I'm not a 'writer'. I'm no where as articulate as many I know, but I'm going to try my best. I am also new to home schooling and blogging. So just work with me ;) Now I'd like to go ahead and address a few questions that I'm sure you've asked yourself about me. And I'm sure I've heard most of them.

Why home school?
This is a very personal decision for us. God laid homeschooling on my heart long before I even had children. I truly believe this is what he wants for our family. I know that everyone doesn't agree with my feelings on this and that's ok. And my feelings are in no way meant to criticize others and make myself seem, in some way, superior to anyone. But I believe that my children need a godly education and deserve the best one possible. I believe that scripture and godly character should be taught right along side and in equal importance (if not more) as math and reading. I feel the only place this can be done is at home. I know my children better than anyone, I know how they learn best and how they react to certain situations. So why am I not the best person to teach my child? No, I'm not the brightest, most educated, smartest person in the world. But I am the most qualified to teach my child. God entrusted me with these children. If you think about it, they're really not mine, but God's. I want to be a good steward over the gifts He has given me, including my children. It is not just a right, but a responsibility to educate the children he has blessed me with. Another very important reason is the results that come from homeschooling. Study after study has proved that home schooled children score higher on academic tests than public school children. I know there is an exception for most every thing. I'm not saying that there aren't children who excel in the public school setting, because I know that there are. Just like I know there are children who struggle in a home school setting, but think about that for a moment. What would happen to a struggling child in public school? More than likely, they would receive extra one-on-one attention to help them catch up. What is homeschooling- it's all one-on-one attention. Well, maybe not exactly 'one-on-one' if you have other children but you get my point. Who wouldn't want their child's education to be specifically designed just for them and how they learn best? And my last opinion that I'm going to say about homeschooling is it's way more fun!

Isn't she a little young to be starting school?
Is a child every too young to begin learning? NO! Children are like little sponges, they just soak up everything. So why not go ahead and give her a jump start. As long as it's enjoyable for her, we will be schooling. How many people take their children to preschool everyday? This is no different, except I'll be her teacher :)

What about socialization?
I think this is the most asked question to any homeschooler. And yes, a home schooled child is socialized. In my opinion, most are more so than other children. Sure they may not 'socialize' with as many children their own age, but they can interact with people of all ages. There are endless opportunities for the socialization of homeschoolers. From spending a few hours at a nursing home on a 'field trip' to helping to teach their younger sibling. Not to mention all the extracurricular activities available. Now, for those of you who know me and my daughter, yes she is extremely shy. I've had many people say "well if you'd put her in daycare that'd fix it". Let me just go ahead and say NO it wouldn't. I was exactly the same way when I was her age and I was never a child who's parent stayed at home with them. I was put in daycare and cried everyday. I believe her shyness is just her personality and isn't a reflection of the fact that I stay at home with her. You may have your own opinion on that situation, but so do I :) Moving on... a final thought on this topic- 'He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed' Proverbs 13:20. Do you know who your child is 'socializing' with??

Are you anti-public school?
Absolutely not. I worked in the school system for years before coming home to raise my daughter. I know lots of great Christian teachers who do a wonderful job. Although a teacher may be a Christian, the system never will be. They are working hard to try to give children as much of a godly education as they can, but they are fighting against a system who is working even harder to drive God out of the schools. I've been blessed to be born in an area where it's not as prevalent as others, but none the less, it's still being done. I'm not homeschooling just so my child doesn't have to go to public school. But rather to give them the very best I can.

Again, these statements are in no way to criticize ANYONE. These are my own personal convictions between God and myself. I will have to answer one day for the way my children were raised. I just want to follow God's will. Now that we got all the 'heavy' stuff out of the way.... I'll be doing a 'Letter of the Week' type of program with J (my tot schooler). Each week I'll post everything we've done. I'm what I like to call thrifty, others may say I'm cheap. But either way, I'm going to be trying to do everything with the least amount of money possible. So I'll be sharing how I've done that also. Please feel free to comment and ask questions. Enjoy!


  1. Great first post and welcome to bloggy world! I look forward to reading more! ;)

  2. Dang girl, I just read EVERY post you've ever written...LOL...I'm sending my kids to your house =) I can't compare to you!!! You are awesome!!! Between moving and stuff just piling on top of me, I don't think Jillian will start "1st" grade until December.. I packed a bag of school stuff to take with us in our "move" and made all the school stuff "some what" easy to get to in the building, but I just don't see me having the time to really sit down with her like I did last year. When your school "opens" call me, I'll give you a couple more students =)
