Monday, September 19, 2011

What's in the tray?- Week 9/19-9/22

Here's what's in our play trays for this week...

 Pasta, cups, scoop, and lacing string

Bible Story sticker set

Foam blocks- purchased from the $1 section at Target

And a dinosaur sensory tub (already J's favorite)
I got almost all of this at the Dollar Tree... all the different dinosaurs, the tub, rocks, scoop, dino egg, dino fossils, and the little capsule things that you put in hot water and they turn into little foam dinosaurs. The big dinosaur I found at Salvation Army for $.25.  And I made the colored rice- 4 cups of rice, 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, and food coloring. J LOVED it!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Letter Cc Day 3&4

Day 3 & 4 of letter Cc started off as usual with morning meeting. Then we jump right into it.

Day 3

Bottle cap match- matching bottle cap letters to letters on the page.

Cc Do-A-Dot page

Caterpillar File Folder Game- I got this online. Just printed out the pages and glued them to a file folder. You count the flowers on the small white circles and match them to the correct number on the caterpillar.

Color the caterpillar. J did this all by herself. She doesn't know the color words yet, but she knows what they are because I color the font.

Caterpillar Writing Practice- works on tracing. These are laminated and she uses a dry erase marker.

Shape match and paste. Match the shapes and glue them on.

For our craft today, we did an egg carton caterpillar. We just painted the 'cups' on the carton all different colors and then glued on eyes. I guess I didn't get a picture of the finished project, but you can get the idea ;)
Finished up day 3 with play trays.

Day 4

Cc is for Caterpillar trace- we did this page at the beginning of the week, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to do it again ;)

Caterpillar to leaf trace

Caterpillar sequencing- we went from largest to smallest and smallest to largest.

Coloring Page- again, just some free coloring pages that I printed off the Internet.

Color word match- She was able to do this all by herself without any help from me.

Find the Cc's

And of course I had to do a hand-print craft this week ;) So here was our hand print caterpillar. I painted her palms green and fingers (not thumb) brown.  And then for the head I painted her palm read and two little fingers black for the antenna.

And that finished up our week on letter Cc. So that means J gets to put it on the coconut tree.
(couldn't you just squeeze those cheeks???)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letter Cc Day 1&2

We started letter Cc this week with our theme being caterpillars. We start off every morning with morning meeting and then jump right into our school work.

Day 1

Cc is for Caterpillar trace
She did this on her Crayola Dry Erase board.

Big Cc trace

Cc Caterpillar Do-A-Dot page

Cc is for Caterpillar trace/color page- She did really well tracing the Cc with her pencil. And she was trying really hard to do those small letters...hehe

Counting Practice- I cut apart the smaller cards on the bottom and had her to count them, then I helped her place them under the right number.

Play-Doh mats (one of J's favorites)- just putting play-doh on the letters

Then we finished up the day with a caterpillar craft. Grass is made by putting a plastic fork in green paint and then we made the caterpillar body by taking small plastic cups and putting them in paint and 'stamping' them on the paper.
Then we finished up the day with play trays.

Day 2

Cc Magnet page- with magnet board and pom-pom magnets

Lacing Card- just laminate, punch holes, and tie a string to it.

Cc is for Caterpillar puzzle

C-c match puzzle- match by C to c or by color

Coloring pages- these are just free coloring pages I found online

Size sort- small, medium, & large

Which is Different?- J still has a hard time with this...not really sure why. She can pick up on things really quick usually, but for some reason this is just not clicking with her. That's why I decided to make another one for this week, and will probably continue to do so until she picks up on it a little better.
I would just have her point out to me which was different.

Caterpillar Cut & Paste- We talked about how caterpillars liked to be in the grass and climb trees. So I cut out the caterpillars for her and let her glue them on.

Our craft for today was pretty simple, we just glued some pom-poms onto a popsicle stick and then put eyes on him. Easy caterpillar :)
Then we finished up with play trays.