Saturday, September 10, 2011

Letter Bb Day 3&4

Day 3 and 4 started off, as always, with our morning meeting. Then we jumped right in to the school work.

Day 3

Bottle Cap Match- I made these by 'Mod-Podge'ing letters onto water bottle lids.

Memory Game- she did pretty well on this. Although she didn't want to turn the cards back over if they didn't match, she wanted to keep turning them all over until she found the right one.

Color the Bug- she got most of these without my help because of the colored font.

How Many Bugs?- I would lay a number on the board and we counted together that number of bugs to lay on the board.

Color/stamp- I let her color the 'Bb' on the page and then stamp bugs around it. She later went back and put bug stickers on too.

Our craft for today was an egg carton ant. Just cut and painted part of an egg carton. Add legs, eyes, and a smile. Super easy!

J finished up the day with her play trays and that was it for day 3 of letter Bb.

Day 4

Bb snail sort- Sort B and b. Side note- I do know that a snail is not a bug/insect, but I wasn't worried about it :)

Where's the Bug?- I 'hid' the bug under a number. I told her to point to where she thought it may be. I would say 'you think it's number number __'. She really liked this game and it helps her to learn to recognize numbers.

Coloring pages

Color Match- I spread one set of the colors out and then let her pick a color card out of the pocket. Then she had to match it.

Bug Patterns- We tried this. She didn't really grasp the concept of patterns yet. On the top row, I said 'worm, ladybug, worm, ladybug...' and she said 'worm'. But she just wanted to put the worm card on top of the worm picture, not in the empty box. She didn't really get the second pattern at all. She just wanted to match the cards to the pictures, which was fine.

Fing the B's.- She did really well on this. She found all the B's with no problem, I had to help her find a few of the b's.

And our craft for today was a hand-print butterfly. If you can't tell already, I LOVE hand-print crafts! I think they are so sweet.

And that finished up our week on letter Bb. J got to put the B to the coconut tree.
And then mommy had a little surprise for her after her nap, ladybug cupcakes.
you can tell she really liked them...

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